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11th edition of the Campus Innovact Awards


Greetings, The deadline for the applications at Innovact Campus Awards (www.innovact.com) is coming shortly... These awards are organized within the framework of Innovact, a European platform for meetings, business and sharing experiences for entrepreneurs, and aim to enhance the most innovative projects. This European contest rewards French and European students’ new and challenging projects.To win: 5000 Euros for the first price, 1500 for the second and third. As a relay within your institution, I address hereafter information about this European contest. These awards are organized within the framework of Innovact (www.innovact.com), a European platform for meetings, business and sharing experiences for entrepreneurs, and aim to enhance the most innovative projects. In order to discover the projects, the jury members will directly meet the finalists on their booth during the first day of Innovact Forum: for the finalists, it will be the perfect opportunity to convince the jury of viability, longevity, suitability and, above all, of the innovative nature of their project. In order to encourage their projects, the finalist candidates will be invited to come (free transportation and accommodation) on March 26 and 27 2013 in Reims. The Awards ceremony will take place in Reims on March 27, 2013. To be candidate, you just have to pre-register directly online www.innovact.com, and cand click on the link to download the application form. The application form should be sent back to me no later than Monday, January 28, 2013, to olivia.timone@ica-2013.com. In order to offer this opportunity to participate to the largest number of potential candidates in your network, I invite you to remind people of the event and forward the mail below. Could you inform me when it will be done or even add me in the forward list ? I remain at your disposal for any informations. Best regards, Olivia Timone Innovact Campus Awards +33(0)1 55 50 04 15 olivia.timone@ica-2013.com www.innovact.com

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