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 En el año 2012 hemos difundido nuestra investigación en tres congresos internacionales de reconocido prestigio en el ámbito del patrimonio, la historia de la construcción y el paisaje:


3rd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Porto, 19-22 June

          " Solar radiation in the open spaces of Madrid convents: a sustainability approach"

           Benito Jiménez Alcalá


            "The role of convent gardens and cloisters as green lungs in Madrid"

            Eva J. Rodríguez Romero & María Antón Barco


             "Restoration of the church of the Convent of the Inmaculate Conception of the Mercy nuns Las Gongoras"

             Juan Tejela Juez & María Antón Barco


IVth International Congress of History in Construction, Paris, 3-7 July

            "The Inventivness of Baroque´s Builders. Construction Constants in Madrid´s Monasteries"

            María Antón Barco & Eva J. Rodríguez Romero & Juan Tejela Juez


EURAU12, IVth European Research in Architecture and Urbanism Congress, 12-15 September

             "Providing shape to Madrid´s urban space"

            María Antón Barco & Eva J. Rodríguez Romero