Se celebrará en el Campus Leonardo de Milan, del 1 al 13 de septiembre de 2011. El workshop está dirigido principalmente a aquellos alumnos que el año que viene cursan 4º y 5º aunque si hay solicitudes de cursos inferiores se estudiaran individualmente. Los alumnos becados recibirán un 90% de los gastos de desplazamiento (hasta 350 euros) y tendrán cubiertos los gastos de manutención, alojamiento y excursiones. La fecha límite para la presentación de solicitudes es el próximo viernes 15 de Julio a las 14.00 horas en el despacho de Relaciones Internacionales (D.1.4.3). La lista de los alumnos elegidos se publicará en la web, en el tablón de relaciones internacionales y se les comunicará a los elegidos. Los alumnos solicitantes deberán de entregar una carta de motivación (350-500 palabras en la que se incluyan sus datos, teléfono y email) junto a su expediente académico. Para más información se adjunta la convocatoria.
July 5th, 2011 - to interested II cycle (4th and 5th year) students
Dear Student,
We are glad to inform you that the Erasmus Intensive Programme titled
Structural Architectures – Geometry, Code and Design
will start in September 2011 (September 2nd to 12th – September 1st arrival day – September 13th departure day), at Politecnico di Milano, Campus Leonardo.
The objective of the IP “Structural Architectures – Geometry, Code and Design” is to acquaint the students with structural thinking as method for designing architecture. They learn to formulate rules on the basis of mathematical/geometric/physical structures. Comparisons between various codes representing the structures help to get aware of their role. According to the developed topics, in order to improve structuralist literacy, a special attention will be devoted to the related literature and to the bibliographic selection. Learning and teaching will be experienced in mutual processes between students and professors in multidisciplinary and international teams.
         Target groups
The four participating universities Politecnico di Milano (Italy), Universidad CEU San Pablo Madrid (Spain), ETH Zürich (Switzerland) and TU Kaiserslautern (Germany) will prepare and carry out the IP jointly for their students of Architecture. The IP will target students with basic knowledge in the Geometry, Graphics, Structural and Architectural Design as well as Computer-Aided Architectural Design during their fourth year of studies or later (BA, MA or Diploma).
         Main activities
Students work mainly in small international groups. The professors make introductory lectures. The working process of the students will be accompanied by short presentations, discussions and proposals in three steps. An excursion to relevant architectural projects support the work in order to encourage structure recognition (including microstructure an macrostructure recognition) by analysing realized architecture. Finally the results will be presented, discussed and evaluated in the whole group of students and professors and shown in a public exhibition.
         Learning outcomes
The participants learn how to cooperate in a multidisciplinary and international group for a joined project. They learn how to use effectively ICT-based tools. The students learn how to use and formulate precisely rules for architectural design, to transfer them in codes for their representation and to apply them with analogue and digital tools in the design processes. The students learn to use digital design methods in order to investigate patterns of organization in space and the architectural utilization of these patterns by means of parametric and geometric variation.
       Expected outputs
The projects will be presented in drawings, sketches, images, and models at the end of the IP in the final forum and a public exhibition. The students work out a documentation. The results will be presented on a website and published in a booklet. At the end of the three years the results of the IP will be presented additionally in a final public meeting.
         Awarded ECTS (cfu)
The projects with preparation and post-processing time, documentation will award 4 ECTS (cfu) to the involved students.
Concerning the first year of the project, to participate in the selection, interested students have       to send via       e-mail the following material as PDF files to their local coordinators:
Politecnico di Milano: [email protected]and [email protected]
Universidad CEU San Pablo Madrid: [email protected]
ETH Zürich: [email protected] or [email protected]
TU Kaiserslautern: [email protected]
1_Letter of motivation, written in English (300-500 words)
2_Transcript of your former courses
The following skills and competences are requested:
_Written and spoken English
_Traditional analog representation and digital 3D modelling
_Passion for Design Processes, Geometry and Graphics
_Interest in Architectural Structuralism and in its methodological approach
 [see: http://www.uni-kl.de/AG-Leopold/dg/forschung/strukturen/handout_symposium.pdf
  and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structuralism_(architecture)]
         Deadline: July 15th 2011.
As for each of the four Universities, 8 students will be, then the teamwork will be composed on 32 students and 8 teachers.
Here in detail, the involved 4 Universities and 8 teachers:
_Politecnico di Milano: L. Cocchiarella (local coordinator), G. Postiglione
_Technische Universitaet Kaiserslautern: C. Leopold (project coordinator), A. Kretzer _Universidad CEU San Pablo Madrid: M. Garcia Hipola, C. Asensio-Wandosell
_ETH Zürich: T. Kotnik, B. Dillenburger
       Organisation and Funding:
The IP Project is funded with support from the European Commission – Lifelong Learning Programme. The accommodation for students from Kaiserslautern, Madrid and Zuerich in double rooms will be provided in Milano as well as financial support of 90% of real travel costs to Milano for them.
Please, contact us for any question or doubt.
Prof. Luigi Cocchiarella, local coordinator, Milano
Akad. Dir. Cornelie Leopold, IP project coordinator, Kaiserslautern